Apart from the Blue & Ice one, the G3's shown here don't exist in the real world (as far as I know…). The picture that they are all based on ("Blue & Ice") came from the e-Zine ".Mac". I found it in MacFormat 74. (Is ".Mac" an e-Zine? Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Contact: Ben Wheatley
45 Southbrook Rd
If you want to call me, my 'phone number is [England] 01705 483629. I won't be in on weekdays before about 4:15pm (GMT), or in any condition to hold a conversation before about 10:30am at weekends.
EV/Overide Plugins
My EV plugins Aliens and New Ships & Guns would also be here, but they won't fit onto a floppy any more (not even with compression).
All the EVO plugins are compatible with each other, so don't wory about having to use them seperately.
The recomended shareware fee is UK £10 (that's about US $16) for each plugin except "EV Buttons" & "Overide Buttons" which are £3 ($5). You don't have to register the plugins if you have already registered a previous version, and if you don't think these plug-ins are worth their asking price, send me the amount you think they're worth. If you pay your shareware fee then I'll be able to afford CodeWarrior Pro, which I will use to make even more great games for you to play (no, really! ).
These plugins were made with ResEdit, and some TMPL resources that someone found on the internet, and gave to me. The graphics were made with Bryce 2, Stratavision 3d, ClarisWorks 4 and Painter 3. All of these (except ClarisWorks) came free on cover CD's.
You may freely distribute the Plugins in this folder using any media, as long as they contain a copy of this Read Me, or a copy of the sections of this Read Me that will be relevent (eg, the "Shareware" section, this section ("Distribution" if you hadn't noticed) and the "Disclaimer" section must be there, as must the section relating to the plugin(s) that you are distributing, but there is no need to distribute the section about "Aliens" if you are distributing "Going Cheap At Sol!", for example). If you wish to include any or all of these plugins in a compilation with other software, and charge people more than distribution costs for it, please send me a copy! You may not charge people more than just distribution costs if the compilation only contains the plugins described in this Read Me without my explicit writen permission.
EV Buttons/Overide Buttons
Both these plugins do the same thing and are updated at the same time, therefore there's only one section for the two of them.
Version History
V 1.0.0 Initial relese 1/1/99
V 1.0.1-Replaced all the buttons (again).
-Changed the icon to reflect this.
V 1.0.2-Fixed problem with "Leave"(bar) sprite.
-Fixed problem with "Sell" (commodity) button.
No Interference for EV
This EV Plugin removes all interference from all EV systems and adds hyperspace links from Sol to loads of other places. You only have to register one of the "No Interference" plugins, even if you like and use both of them.
This plugin is <<NOT>> compatible with "Aliens".
Version History
V 1.0.0 Initial relese 17/8/98
V 1.0.1-Added hyperspace links from Sol to various systems and back.
V 1.0.2-Changed copywright date to "1998-99"
Going Cheap At Sol!
This EV plugin makes everything available from Sol, makes everything a lot cheaper, takes away the mass requirements (or in the case of the Mass Expantion, the cargo requirements) and allows you to buy up to 32767 of anything (if you really want, you could buy that number of Density Scanners), just remember that if you buy enough of something, it's value will loop into the negative, (e.g. if you have an armour of strength 3276.7 (one unit of armour in the game is "10" in ResEdit) and you buy an extra 1 point of armour, you'll end up with -3275.9 points of armour-thats just the way it is...) and negative shield recharge rates could be a problem...
You don't have to register this plugin if you have already registered "75% Off All Items", even if you like, and use both of them.
This plugin is <<NOT>> compatible with "Aliens".
Version History
V 1.0.0 Initial relese 20/8/98
V 1.0.1-Changed copywright date to "1998-99"(place your bets on the 1.0.2 update
being '-Changed copywright date to "1998-2000"').
75% Off All Items!
This EV Overide plugin makes all ships and outfit items one-quarter of their usual price and allows you to buy anything in Sol (well, any ships or outfits; you can't get all the comoditys there) including all mission-specific hardware (e.g. the Cloaking Device).
Version History
V 1.0.0 Initial relese 6/8/98
V 1.0.1-Changed copywright date to "1998-99"(place your bets on the 1.0.2 update
being '-Changed copywright date to "1998-2000"').
No Interference
This EV Overide plugin removes all sensor interference from every system in EVO. It also provides you with hyperspace shortcuts between Sol and Huron, Isled, Voinia, Emalghion, Zachit, Fluron, Zidagar and Igadzra. Also it teraforms' Mars, & gives it a bar.
Version History
V 1.0.0 Initial relese 6/8/98
V 1.0.1-Put Drednoughts on guard around Voinia.
-Sorted out "Dissapearing Links" bug from Sol to Emalghion-Hyperspace link used
to dissapear if you did certain missions for the Emalghion's.
-Made Volian Dreadnoughts jump into Sol ocasionaly (now that Isled is only one
jump away).
V 1.0.2-Decreaced probibility of Dreadnought attack on Sol (in V 1.0.0 they attacked all
the time!)
V 1.0.3-Changed copywright date to "1998-99".
I'll supply you with new copies of the plug-ins free of charge if they don't work, however, I can not be held responsible if they damage your computer. Remember to make sure it is a problem with the plug-ins, not your system if you have to contact me for new copies of the plug-ins, otherwise you will end up with the same problem!